
Home Remedy for Head Lice

Home Remedy for Head Lice

An excellent home remedy for head lice and nits is the rue, because it has anthelmintic properties and can eliminate the lice soothing at the same time soothe the itchy scalp.

So a good way to treat lice and nits is to apply the rue tea cold on your hair and scalp before passing the comb.

This home remedy is very good for use in young children because it is not toxic and prevents infestation if a brother or friend with lice.


20 g of leaves arruda
1 liter of boiling water


Put the leaves of rue the boiling water and let steep for 10 minutes. Capping, leaving warm and then strain it. Then apply this infusion hair, with the help of a cotton swab and rub all over the scalp.

Leave the infusion of rue stand for 30 minutes and wash the hair to comb to remove dead lice and nits.

Other care to eliminate lice

Another important tip to end the lice is to wash the clothes of the individual, the sheet, the pillowcase and your bath towel separately and then put in a pot with water and boil for a few minutes.

Each louse lives about 30 days, and lay on average 6-8 eggs per day, which hatch within seven days, giving rise to the louse, and so when someone has lice you need to be very careful that others do not are contaminated, avoiding lend hats or clothing that may contain lice or nits.

These precautions should be followed daily until all lice and nits and are eliminated.

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