
Natural remedies for head lice

Natural remedies for head lice

Natural remedies against lice

Anyone can suffer pediculosis. These parasites are on the scalp does not respect race, religion or economic status, so no one is free of contracting them. But you can use some of these natural remedies for lice to fight them ...
Head lice are one of the most troublesome mites .These unwelcome visitors from the head of anyone can be quite boring for both children and adults.Therefore, do not hesitate to use any of these home remedies is what they want is to eradicate them as soon as possible. These are some good natural remedies to combat lice:

  • The fatal (for lice) vinegar : to have fungicidal properties and a great acidity, can destroy the lice within hours. Have a cup of vinegar, put two or three tablespoons (soup) of sugar and apply this preparation directly on the hair, massaging and trying to arrive well to the scalp. Then cover your head with a latex cap for half an hour to go prepared taking effect.Later wash and rinse your hair normally, passing a fine tooth comb to extract the lice that were attached.
  • Natural eucalyptus and lemon remedy: another of the interesting natural remedies for lice is a good combination of eucalyptus and lemon.Take some plant leaves and boil for 15 minutes in a liter of water, will add the juice of one lemon. Then apply on hair, massaging in the most affected areas and let this lotion act for half an hour. Then rinse and wash your hair normally.
  • Remedy of garlic: garlic is a antibichos par excellence. Therefore, you can prepare an easy home remedy to him, including a maceration with alcohol, distilled water and also eucalyptus. It can be an interesting option.
  • Try a little oregano : oregano is another element that has a great ability to kill lice and all sorts of similar animals. You can use it both on your hair by applying a prepared infusion with him, as well as some of the essential oil of this plant, which also can be more effective due to its concentration.
  • Do not hesitate to try the oil of the tree-of-tea: Undoubtedly, the oil of the tree-of-tea is one of the best natural methods to kill lice and nits. This essential oil is magnificent to fight mites and can also apply in some pets.
  • The neem, great for getting rid of lice: There happened to you that you recommended the neem oil in time to kill some animals that eat the plants? Do not be afraid to put on your head gives the same result y will not hurt it one bit. Antifungal, mites, bacteria, and more. An excellent choice and usually not as expensive as it can go very well.
  • Also try this lavender medicine: This is a remedy that mixes various essential oils including lavender, which also has great potential to fight lice. Be sure to try this good option.

Remember Do not use kerosene, acaricide or other chemical element that is not intended for that purpose. Unfortunately, very often used as home remedies for head lice but can bring adverse effects on your hair. Lice can be produced with other diseases of the scalp. The home remedies for hair can serve you for your treatment.


Tea Tree Oil Remedy for Head Lice

Tea Tree Oil  Remedy for Head Lice

Home Remedy for Head Lice: Head lice are a few bugs that despite its stature quequena become very annoying and rebels. Difficult to detect because they lodge more in the head zone, with the hair , have the perfect cover.

Fortunately there are several treatments for annihilating such as shampoos, medications ... Today we leave you the hint of a completely natural tea that can bring you a redoubled help when it comes to treat extinction of lice and nits that lodge in our hair and which are difficult to remove.
Lice cling to our skin and consume in the blood, it is true! But wait, do not lead to death, but may cause infections that are important to be timely treated primarily in children. The tea rue help in this process and will make get favorable results in fighting lice and nits from hair back home.

Tea for lice

To prepare this home remedy the following ingredients are required: 20g rue leaves and 1L of water. Again the preparation of this tea for lice is super quick and easy, simply to place the plant leaves already boiled water and leave for a few minutes so that give the infusion of the plant in hot water. The drug should be administered throughout the hair strands still warm water.
Now lets tea act for a long 30 minutes in the hair and in the end pass water on the hair to remove the tea. Finally wash with a shampoo suitable for the purpose and comb your hair with a comb also suitable for this purpose to remove lice and nits.
With this treatment, much less aggressive than conventional shampoos have more effect than expected results. There are no contraindications, and can also be used in other cases as is pediculosis, a parasitic disease caused by lice and other insects.


Ten natural tips to stop lice

Ten natural tips to stop lice

You can delete the lice with homemade tips and not have to use harsh chemicals on children

Louse. Just thinking we begin to itch.

I thought the little head as cheirosinha my daughter would never be so badly crowded, so I got scared when her teacher warned: we are in a kind of lice season, is having one outbreak here in class and what we could verify all the girls are with many nits.

Received and processed news, to work to resolve the issue. I ran to the pharmacy to equip me with a whole arsenal in order to end the tenants of my small but reassessing the situation, I thought it was a lot of chemistry for her young age. I left the packages still sealed and went for help and tips alternatives to conventional treatments to a group of friends, mothers engaged in important issues related to family and consumer.

Within minutes, the staff of Childhood Consumerism Free Movement toasted me with several suggestions on how to combat this infestation resorting to homemade solutions possible and affordable. I put into practice all of them and it worked! In less than a week, I became officially one exterminating lice and nits.

You can end up with lice and nits without having to resort to poisons and drugs that may be harmful to children. The tips are so simple and effective that I made a compilation here to be used at any time. After all, these damned do not send notice before arriving.

1 - Make a mixture of half water and half vinegar and spray all over the hair. Cover with a cap and leave it for 30 minutes. Wash your hair normally. The acidity of vinegar helps kill nits and lice. There is also the variant with warm vinegar, mixed with water from the shower itself. It has a strong smell, it is true, but some in the wash. Not recommended for those with sensitive and irritated scalp, you can burn enough.

2 - Buy a fine comb and pass a line between the teeth on one side to the other, like a zigzag. Wash the child's hair, leave a little conditioner to slide the comb more easily. The nits stick to the line cord. Do this procedure for several days in a row. BOOK this comb specifically to do this.

3 - Mix conditioner with a thick handful of salt, leave it for about 15 minutes, then pass the comb. Finally, rinse the hair.

4 - Important: After every wash it is essential and drying it. This is a shot and fall trick that prevents reinfestation because the nits do not like heat or dry hair (prefer moisture), they esturricam with the heat of the dryer. The dryer temperature should be as if it were a brush making, or hot. For this reason this trick is not suitable for very young children.

5 - Wash sheets and towels with hot water. You can boil bed linen and bath to wash or put in the hot cycle of the washing machine, if your have this option.

6 - Pass the bedding with hot iron to kill any nits, even without washing them daily. When passing the pillowcase, do with the pillow. Another alternative is to put them in the dryer.

7 - tea tree oil (also known as malaleuca) is a natural antifungal. Just put three to four drops in shampoo bottle normal family use. It helps prevent possible reinfestation. It is usually sold in health food stores.

8 - If the infestation is not very critical, no need to keep the child at home. But in time to send them to school, take care to hold their hair or put accessories to isolate the contact with other colleagues, such as caps and bandanas.

9 - Spend combed daily by the hair (preferably metal ones) the duration of the infestation and then make a careful grooming to remove nits possible and most hidden and resistant lice.

10 - And a final tip: Always stay alert and periodically take a closer look at the head of children, especially when you know it's time outbreak in schools and playgrounds that you attend.

And who has any other tips just leave a comment. The more this list grows, the better!


Home remedies to get rid of lice

Home remedies to get rid of lice

Head lice are small parasites that cause a huge nuisance to quickly infest the minds of people, especially children of school age. Parents should be alert to stop the lice as soon as possible, thus avoiding contagion to other children.

Continuous itching, especially on the back of the head, is the sign that these insects are present. Always remember to always be aware and periodically check the minds of children. In pharmacies are found effective products to combat the problem, however, because they have a lot of chemistry, the best would be to use home remedies, which are also fast and do not harm children.

Natural treatments to stop lice

Infusion of eucalyptus leaves - Put water to boil, add the leaves of eucalyptus and let stand. When the water is at a suitable temperature, apply to the head, to the roots, and well massage the hair.

Rosemary infusion - To prepare the infusion of rosemary, just follow the steps above.
Apple Cider Vinegar - This remedy is mies effective against lice eggs or nits. Mix warm water and apple cider vinegar in equal parts, and apply to dry hair.

Lavender essence - Apply lavender essence in the affected head. Before making the application, make sure that it is pure lavender oil, unmixed.

Many aromatic oils such as coconut oil, jasmine, geranium, anise etc., can help in the fight against lice and nits.

Pass a line between the teeth of a comb, from one side to another, making zigzag. Wash the child's hair, leaving a little conditioner to comb slide more easily. The nits stick to the line wires. BOOK this comb to it and repeat this procedure for a few days.
Mix conditioner to a handful of coarse salt and leave it for about 15 minutes. Then pass the comb and wash the hair.

Tea tree oil (malaleuca) - Usually sold in health food stores, tea tree oil is a natural antifungal and helps prevent possible reinfestation of lice. Put 3-4 drops in shampoo bottle normally used by the family.

Smoke - Boil 30g smoke in half a liter of water for 10 minutes. Apply after warm, leaving hair tied with a cloth.




The louse is an insect measuring approximately 4 mm in length and has a transparent and grayish; It is an ectoparasite, or a parasite living outside of its host.


In this paper we address the following points about lice and nits:

What is a louse.
What is a nit.
Lice transmission.
Symptoms of lice.
Treatment of lice.


The louse is an insect that lives exclusively in our hair. A louse outside a scalp can not survive and die within 48 hours.

The female louse has a half life of 30 to 40 days, being able to produce up to ten eggs per day. Throughout his short life, the female louse is able to fund our hair more than 200 eggs.

The louse eggs, which are called nits, are attached to the base of the hair for up to eight days, average time for the birth of a new lice. Contrary to what some people think, nit is not the feminine form of lice . The nit is not the louse's wife, popularly speaking, but the louse egg name. There is a male lice, the female lice and nits.

A person infested with lice is told as having lice. A patient with pediculosis, therefore, is a patient with head lice. The pediculosis is, after the flu, the most common disease in children of school age. . It is estimated that up to 1/4 of children have head lice Three types of lice:

- Pediculus humanus capitis : the louse that infects the scalp.
- Pediculus humanus humanus : a type of lice that infects the body
- pubis Pthirus: the Plunder that infects pubic hair, also known as boring

In this text we will stick only to Pediculus humanus capitis, the most common of all, the famous head lice.

First of all, it is important to note that:

- Lice do not jump.
- Lice do not fly.
- Lice are not a sign of poor hygiene.
- Lice can not infect your pet.

Transmission of lice is by personal contact and by objects. The mode of interaction among children is much more up close and personal than among adults, which explains the ease of transmission in this age group. Lice can also pass from one person to another through objects such as clothing, towels, hats, headphones , hair bows, combs, brushes and bedding. An adult lice can survive for up to two days in an object, keeping viable for transmission.

For reasons still unknown, black children have a lower risk of transmission than white, as well as boys have less risk than girls. The hair size does not influence the transmission.

Having lice is not a sign of poor hygiene capillary. The fact that the hair of their children are always well lavadinhos does not diminish the risk of them being affected by lice.


Contrary to what one might imagine, most cases of lice are asymptomatic. More than that, it is quite possible to find a child with infested hair of nits and lice without the same report any abuse. For this reason, it is routine in some colleges frequent inspection of children looking for lice, preventing the parasite from spreading throughout the class.

In symptomatic cases, and many of them are the main symptom is intense itching in the head. This usually arises itching on the day of infection or, at most the next day. It occurs in reaction to the saliva of the louse, which is released while it feeds on blood and scalp skin debris. Itching in the neck and behind the ears are quite common. Some cases are so intense that the child has difficulty sleeping; other scratch so much that produce sores on the skin.

One of pediculosis complications is bacterial infection of these wounds caused by itching, called pyoderma. This infection is caused when the staph bacteria living on our skin, contaminate the wound opened by scratching his head frantically (read: STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS | what risks this bacteria ).


There are a variety of treatments and remedies for head lice. But as important as the use of medicine is the inspection and pediculosis identification of all the people around the identified case. If a child is treated for head lice, but their siblings or classmates, also infected, they are not, the chance of re-infection is very high.

As the louse is nothing more than an insect, the treatment is done preferably with special insecticides. These can be applied in the form of shampoos, lotions or creams. Some of the substances used include:

- Permethrin
- pyrethrin
- Malathion
- Lindane

Ivermectin an antiparasitic drug as a single dose orally is an option for cases resistant to insecticides topics.

Never use drugs, shampoos or lotions that have not been prescribed by the pediatrician. There are some solutions to agricultural insecticide that is toxic and can cause serious damage to children.

In children under two years we do not recommend the use of substances containing insecticide. In these cases or when parents do not want to use pesticides in children, wet combing for mechanical extraction of lice is an option. But beware, it takes a lot of patience. The hair must be combed four times a day for at least 10 to 14 days, although apparently there are no more lice or nits. The goal is to remove all existing lice.

You can use vinegar or oil to facilitate removal work with comb. Warning: these substances help of mechanical removal but do not kill the lice or nits. Vinegar may be heated to become warm and then mixed with a conditioner. When applied and stuffy with a plastic cap for at least 30 minutes, vinegar dissolves the layer surrounding the egg (nit), preventing the fixing of the same on the hair. Pass the comb after that lice and nits will come easily. Vinegar can also be mixed with water in a solution with ratio of 50% each.

After treatment, identification of nits does not necessarily mean failure of the same. If there are no more lice, they can be just waste of old eggs that remained stuck to the hair.

Bedding should be changed daily, washed with hot water and then ironed. The combs used should be boiled and washed with alcohol.

While there are lice, the child should stay away from school. Do not forget to tell the direction of the school so that other mothers can stay focus on the existance of lice in their children.


Homemade tricks to eliminate the lice!

Homemade tricks to eliminate the lice!

There is no bug in this world more hated than the lice ; every child hates and every mother has nightmares about them; even more mothers who have girls with long hair.

I say this because the easiest time to get a colony of lice in the hair is when we are children, Alhas, few people can say they have never had lice.

Let's see now a homemade tricks that will help you to fight this plague the best of these tricks? They are not as expensive as pharmacy medicines.

Here our 4 tricks:

The first: vinegar . It will loosen the nits and make it easier to comb them to add at once! Apply it hot, to dry hair; after applying it, put a shower cap or towel on hair and leave to act for two hours. Write this process twice a week during one month.

Shampoo with tea tree oil : this will scare away the lice and prevent them from breathing. Tea tree oil can be found in health food houses.

Softener: wash your hair with regular shampoo and then apply the softener. So you'll get comb your hair more easily; It is also easier to take lice.

Another natural remedy for lice detestable is a combination of eucalyptus and lemon . For this, take a few eucalyptus leaves and boil them for about 15 minutes in a liter of water and at the end, add lemon juice. Place it after the hair and leave act for half an hour. Wash your hair normally.

One of the best recommendations I can give you is: Always comb the hair with comb! So you will be sure to be taking most of the lice.

When you're combing your hair, take care to see if they are really coming out lice.

With these tricks , I'm sure you can take better care of the health of your hair.


Homemade solution for head lice

Homemade solution for head lice

A great homemade solution to end the lice is to apply a little bit of cider vinegar or apple in the scalp. This is because the product has properties that kill and eliminate lice and nits.

In addition, it is recommended to wash all clothes of the person with lice, as well as the bed sheets, teddy bears and hair accessories in water hotter than 60 ° for about 30 minutes.


1 cup of vinegar
1 cup of warm water


Mix one cup of vinegar with one cup of warm water. Then, with the help of a small piece of cotton, spread this homemade recipe throughout the scalp of the infected person and cover your hair with a cap, leaving it to act for about 30 minutes.

After that time, it should be to comb throughout hair and wash your hair with a mild shampoo or anti-waste. Finally, it is important to again pass the comb throughout hair.

This solution lice home must be repeated 14 days after the first application, because some nits, which may have been in the hair, have become lice, being easy to eliminate them.


4 tips to stop lice

4 tips to stop lice

Ending lice is not always easy, however there are 4 tips that help the treatment and may end up with lice and nits:
  1. Skip to lice shampoo throughout the hair, from root to tip;
  2. Use a comb to spread the good shampoo;
  3. Wash objects that have been in contact with the hair of the child , such as sheets, blankets, clothes, plush toys, fasteners and hair bows, hats, rugs, pillows and sofa cover, if possible, in water temperature higher than 60;
  4. Check every 7 days with fine tooth comb, if there is still nits or lice , for 40 days .
Generally, application of shampoo should be repeated 14 days after the first application, because at that time the nits, which ended up in the hair, have become lice, making it easier to finish them.
Lice do not jump or jump, but can pass directly from one hair to another, so one should avoid approaching the head of the head of someone who has lice.
There are some pills lice, such as Ivermectin, which promise to end lice, but they should be taken with caution and with a doctor's prescription.


Home Remedy for Head Lice

Home Remedy for Head Lice

An excellent home remedy for head lice and nits is the rue, because it has anthelmintic properties and can eliminate the lice soothing at the same time soothe the itchy scalp.

So a good way to treat lice and nits is to apply the rue tea cold on your hair and scalp before passing the comb.

This home remedy is very good for use in young children because it is not toxic and prevents infestation if a brother or friend with lice.


20 g of leaves arruda
1 liter of boiling water


Put the leaves of rue the boiling water and let steep for 10 minutes. Capping, leaving warm and then strain it. Then apply this infusion hair, with the help of a cotton swab and rub all over the scalp.

Leave the infusion of rue stand for 30 minutes and wash the hair to comb to remove dead lice and nits.

Other care to eliminate lice

Another important tip to end the lice is to wash the clothes of the individual, the sheet, the pillowcase and your bath towel separately and then put in a pot with water and boil for a few minutes.

Each louse lives about 30 days, and lay on average 6-8 eggs per day, which hatch within seven days, giving rise to the louse, and so when someone has lice you need to be very careful that others do not are contaminated, avoiding lend hats or clothing that may contain lice or nits.

These precautions should be followed daily until all lice and nits and are eliminated.

Home Remedy to end the terrible lice

Home Remedy to end the terrible lice

The rapidity with which they multiply occurs because of their eggs, nits, which are very difficult to remove the wires, since they are completely clinging to them, so the comb (used for the removal of parasites) does not always You can pluck them, and so they have time to "peel" and turn into new lice to reproduce thousands of nits in a few days, continuing the horrible cycle.

They are some of the most common parasites and easy infection, especially among children, especially those of school age, as well as women. Head lice are transmitted quickly and reproduce with the same faciliadade, so if they are not removed soon after infection, the infestation becomes total.
Transmission occurs directly, by contact with contaminated hair,  use of personal objects infected by lice or nits such as caps, hair brushes, etc.

LiceItches, scratch ...

The first sign of undesirable presence of lice is a terrible itching all over the head, especially in the back, neck. It can also achieve the neck, where it can be noted how the bites of mosquitoes, for example.
As the itching is intense, the act of scratching can cause contamination by other bacteria that penetrate the scalp, leading to nodes in the neck.

Home remedy to remove lice

How to:
Make a mixture of vinegar and water in equal parts and apply warm in hair half an hour before passing the comb or remove nits one by one manually.

Home Remedy to eliminate nite

  • 2 handfuls of cornmeal;
  • 1 handful of rue;
  • 4 xíc. of water.
How to:
Boil water with rue for five minutes, add the cornmeal, stirring constantly to avoid lumps, until they turn a thick porridge.
When cool, apply throughout the hair, rubbing well. Let acting in her hair, wrapped with a cloth or towel for an hour.