4 tips to stop lice
Ending lice is not always easy, however there are 4 tips that help the treatment and may end up with lice and nits:
- Skip to lice shampoo throughout the hair, from root to tip;
- Use a comb to spread the good shampoo;
- Wash objects that have been in contact with the hair of the child , such as sheets, blankets, clothes, plush toys, fasteners and hair bows, hats, rugs, pillows and sofa cover, if possible, in water temperature higher than 60;
- Check every 7 days with fine tooth comb, if there is still nits or lice , for 40 days .
Generally, application of shampoo should be repeated 14 days after the first application, because at that time the nits, which ended up in the hair, have become lice, making it easier to finish them.
Lice do not jump or jump, but can pass directly from one hair to another, so one should avoid approaching the head of the head of someone who has lice.
There are some pills lice, such as Ivermectin, which promise to end lice, but they should be taken with caution and with a doctor's prescription.